Why OptMyCare?

OMC’s dynamic risk stratification system results in improved patient outcomes and hence reduction in hospitalizations and procedures.

OptMyCare™ is a scalable, secure, and cloud-based SaaS product. It combines precision analytics with actionable risk stratification solutions across multiple chronic conditions. Our clinically-engineered algorithms take data from 55 chronic clinical diagnoses—their associated procedures and claims costs—and facilitate rapid and accurate risk identification, while providing recommendations based on real-time outputs. These predictive and prescriptive solutions actively help risk bearers improve workflow, lowering the time and costs associated with manual processing.

Powering healthcare decisions through AI and machine learning.

Employing a clinically developed AI/ML model with pre-built care journeys mapped across 50+ disease states, OptMyCare uses precision analytics to help at-risk payers and providers optimize the identification, multi-layered stratification, and management of high-cost medical cases, resulting in improved patient care and financial savings.

Why Partner with OptMyCare?

  • Accurate risk stratification across multiple care delivery platforms
  • Easy-to-use digital platform to improve disease behavior across multiple chronic conditions
  • Easy to adopt digital platform across multiple clients
  • Real-time risk stratification for payors and healthcare organizations
  • Detailed cost analytics and cost predictions for ACOs/CINs and Stop-Loss /Reinsurance payors
  • Actionable roll-outs based on risk level